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Some men are born with a flat chest that does not become more contoured regardless of the amount of exercise performed. Our board-certified plastic surgeons can help these patients enhance their chest appearance and improve their self-esteem by performing pectoral augmentation.

Male Pectoral Augmentation Treatment & Technique

Body image isn’t just a female issue. Despite committing to exercise, many men find themselves unable to effectively target specific muscle groups, including their pecs. When genetics come into play, a flatter chest may not have an organic solution. Fortunately, they now have options.

Male pectoral augmentation is a way for men to create more definition in their upper body. The surgery is similar to female breast augmentation, using silicone implants to sculpt the size, shape and profile of their pecs.

The stigma men used to experience regarding cosmetic procedures has significantly decreased. When in the care of a confident and experienced plastic surgeon, their surgery is addressed simply and pragmatically, without gender bias.

In the San Diego area, that plastic surgeon is Dr. Paul Chasan, M.D., F.A.C.S, who is nationally renowned for pectoral augmentation surgery. Call 858.450.1555 for a consultation.

Adding muscular contour to the pectoral muscles can change the entire shape of a man’s body, helping to balance the proportions between the shoulders and waist. Female breast augmentation has a long history of enhancing women’s confidence and self-esteem—why should men be denied that same boost?

Pectoral Augmentation for Men

The number of men using augmentation to sculpt their upper torso has risen dramatically, even among bodybuilders and men who practice strenuous exercise. One of the lesser known facts about the pectoral augmentation procedure is that implants do not affect continued muscle building.

Implants are inserted under the pectoralis major (the large muscles that control the rotation of the arms) without any cuts to the muscular structure. Because there’s no damage, there’s no restriction on strength building.

Schedule a Consultation.

Man with sculpted abs looking down

How Much Does a Male

Pectoral Augmentation Cost?

Male Pectoral Augmentation patients in San Diego can expect their surgery costs to vary depending on a number of factors, which can be discussed in an in-depth consultation. Due to the variability of cases, some male pectoral augmentations are priced higher depending on the level of surgical complexity. Contact our office to schedule your consultation today. 

Male Pectoral Augmentation Procedure

The augmentation procedure for men follows the same protocols as breast augmentation for women. The Ranch & Coast surgical facility is designed as a center of excellence for these types of procedures.

Located in Del Mar, California, the facility is fully staffed, including a dedicated surgical nurse and three board-certified anesthesiologists. Our clients are offered confidentiality, comfort and the highest quality of care.


You can schedule your initial appointment with your surgeon to discuss the procedure by calling our office at 858.450.1555. We welcome local clients and out of town guests. You can also use our online consultation form to provide preliminary information in advance of your first appointment.

During that first consultation, our medical team will take your health history and discuss any medications you may be taking. The procedure is not recommended for individuals using steroids to improve muscle tone.

Our surgeons work with each patient individually to identify the size implant to create the best outcome. Male augmentation relies on solid silicone implants, as opposed to the softer silicone Gummi Bear implants used to shape the female breast. 

The solid implant will deliver that strong, masculine contour wanted by male clients. Our offices maintain a large inventory of implants, so there will never be a delay in your surgery because of a shipping mistake. 

Finally, we will provide information on pre-op preparation and post-operative recovery. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

The Surgery

This procedure requires general anesthesia, so please take care to follow instructions regarding food and drink prior to your surgery. In the surgical suite, the anesthesiologist will make sure you are properly sedated. Your surgeon will then make a small incision in each armpit as the pathway for the insertion.

Your surgeon may first insert a spacer to confirm the size and positioning of the implant. Normally the patient is supine during the procedure, but our facility allows your doctor to raise the patient to a sitting position. This increases our ability to create the patient’s best outcomes.

Once the best position is confirmed, then the implants are inserted beneath the pectoralis major muscle. The largest of the four pectoral muscles, the mass itself will hold the implants in place.

As noted earlier, the muscle is not cut or damaged in any way. This shortens recovery time and basically eliminates any loss of strength that might occur if the muscle had to be stitched or repair.

The doctor will then close the incision and the patient is released to care of the recovery room nurse, who will monitor the patient until he awakens naturally.

Before & After

Post-Operative Care

Please make sure you wear or bring loose comfortable clothing. You will need someone to drive you home after the procedure. If for some reason you need to extend your stay for 24-hours, our facility has an overnight stay available—one of the only plastic surgeons in the area to do so.

You should expect some discomfort and swelling. The torso will be sore, and the use of the arm maybe initially be painful. The doctor will prescribe pain medication if needed. It is important that you minimize activities that work your chest and shoulder to encourage the healing process.

We typically recommend you take a week off from work, but please let the doctor know if your job involves heavy lifting. It’s important to remember the healing process is taking place internally, particularly since there is no real visible scar to monitor. 

You should be able to resume most normal activities by the end of that first week. But there should be no strenuous exercise, including body building routines for roughly a month, unless the doctor has given his approval to resume them.


A chiseled chest with a broader torso will create (or complement) a smaller waist—male pectoral augmentation helps men control their body image. For men who exercise but are unable to achieve pectoral definition, or those who are genetically inclined to a flatter chest—the procedure is a logical solution for creating a masculine silhouette.

As with female breast augmentation, there are also men who simply prefer to undergo a cosmetic procedure to achieve their best body image. The surgery is simple and safe, particularly when under the care of an experienced surgeon. 

We encourage men who are considering male pectoral augmentation to set up an appointment to discuss the procedure. Our team will be happy to answer your questions so you can make an informed decision. Just call the office at 858.450.1555.

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