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The infragluteal thigh lift—affectionately called a Del Mar Butt Tuck—is a specific operation to improve sagging of the lower portion of the buttocks. Many women have expressed dissatisfaction with the appearance of their lower buttocks.

Other procedures, such as buttock augmentation with implants or fat grafting, and beltline lipectomy, improve the overall appearance of the buttocks, but allow for only subtle improvements in the lower part of the buttocks and don’t address this area as effectively as the infragluteal thigh lift. Infragluteal thigh lifts are performed to hone a new type of butt enhancement procedure.

The aesthetic outcome and buttock contour have been excellent with all patients—and all with excellent scarring. The complication rate is low. At Ranch & Coast Plastic Surgery, we are experts at the infragluteal thigh lift, as it is a viable operation for those patients with sagging of the lower portion of the buttocks.

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The Infragluteal Thigh Lift Technique

Ranch & Coast founder, Dr. Chasan, partook in a study examining the results of the infragluteal thigh lift. Most patients in the study had a deep infragluteal fold (the fold at the bottom of the buttocks), which is the exact issue this procedure will address.

With the patient under general anesthesia, the surgeon performs an incision in the infragluteal fold. They remove a precise portion of skin from this area, based upon each patient’s individual needs. This reduces lower pole sagging by reducing the sagging tissue itself—giving a more lifted and muscular appearance to the butt. Following this, the surgeon then precisely closes the incisions in layers, ensuring there is no tension on the surface of the skin once full closure is completed.

Before & After

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The Benefits of the Infragluteal Thigh Lift

In recent years, the field of buttock enhancement has received increased attention from plastic surgeons and patients alike.

Much of this attention has focused on the use of fat or implants to improve the overall shape or volume of the buttocks. Unfortunately, these techniques produce minimal improvement in the lower portion of the buttocks. For patients with sagging in the lower butt, there is now a solution: the infragluteal thigh lift. 

If you are pleased with the size of your butt, but would it to appear more lifted and livelier, the infragluteal thigh lift may be the perfect procedure. Please call our office to learn more.

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