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Dr. Chasan's  (Infragluteal Thighlift)

Brazilian Butt Lift

One of the most attractive features on a woman’s physique is her buttocks. There are several techniques available to enhance the backside. Dr. Chasan not only directly enhances the buttock, but also improves the framework around it.

Based on the patient’s anatomy, Dr. Chasan will recommend either a buttock implant, liposuction around the buttock and hips, a lower butt lift – the “Del Mar Butt Tuck”, and/or fat transplantation to the buttock, commonly known as the “Brazilian butt lift”. These techniques can be used individually or in combination to create a beautiful backside.

Treatment & Technique

Typically those patients with a flat buttock and very little fat are the best candidates for buttock augmentation with a solid silicone implant placed intra-muscularity in the gluteus maximus muscle. Buttocks augmentation with implants is performed through a vertical incision which is placed between the buttocks cheeks in an area that is completely inconspicuous and not visible when healed.

Those patients with a little extra hip roll fat and a flat buttock do best with liposuction and fat transplantation to the buttocks. This is the typical “Brazilian butt lift”. Adding volume to the buttocks normally gives a perkier buttock, it definitely lifts the buttock as well. The typical amount of fat utilize is between 250 cc and 600 cc. The area around the buttock is also sculpted with liposuction which adds to the effect.

There are those patients’s who despite working out and eating a healthy diet have a hanging or droop to the lower buttock. These patients are the best candidates for an infra-gluteal butt lift which is termed the “Del Mar Butt Tuck”. This procedure involves removing a wedge of redundant lower buttock skin and tissue which recontours the lower buttock. The incision is in the lower buttock crease and is inconspicuous.

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