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What Patients Should Know About San Diego Botox Treatments for Hyperhidrosis

Botox is more than just a wrinkle prevention injection—it can even help to reduce or prevent sweat in targeted areas.   

Botox injections are used for numerous aesthetic purposes but can also treat medical conditions such as Hyperhidrosis. Botox injections can be used to reduce excessive sweating in several areas of the body by paralyzing the nerves that produce sweat.

In this article, Dr. Paul E. Chasan, a board-certified plastic surgeon in San Diego, explains how Botox can treat Hyperhidrosis and what you can expect if you’re considering Botox injections to treat excessive sweating in your face, hands, or armpits.

What is Botox®?

Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are FDA-approved drugs that are produced from botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin that naturally secrets from a soil bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Neurotoxins affect the nervous system by blocking communication between the nerves and the brain causing temporary paralysis to the area where Botox has been injected.

Our experienced injectable nurse performs Botox injections in their office which takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Moreover, Botox has little to no recovery time and is the only botulinum toxin drug approved by the FDA to treat Hyperhidrosis.

Ranch & Coast alongside the injectable nurse staff have years of experience and expert knowledge in administering Botox for cosmetic purposes and as medical treatments. Botox could provide those suffering from Hyperhidrosis with many benefits such as improved confidence and quality of life. Let’s take a look at what Hyperhidrosis is and how Botox can help.

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What is Hyperhidrosis?

Your sweat glands are part of your nervous system and produce sweat to cool your body off as your temperature rises. However, those who suffer from Hyperhidrosis have overactive sweat glands and sweat from a few areas for no reason. According to a 2018 article published by the International Hyperhidrosis Society, over 365 million people suffer from Hyperhidrosis.

Those who have Hyperhidrosis suffer from numerous psychological and physical issues. A 2014 publication from the American Academy of Dermatology reports Hyperhidrosis in the hands makes it hard to grip objects and excessive sweating keeps skin damp making the patient more vulnerable to skin infections. Excessive sweating often soaks through the person’s clothes or can be seen and felt on the surface of the skin which interferes with social interactions and may affect the patient’s mental health.

A 2014 report by PLoS (Public Library of Science) One analyzes a study that compared 40 people with Hyperhidrosis to 40 people without the condition, to assess how Hyperhidrosis affects a patients’ mental and social well-being. The study found, “depression symptoms were more prevalent in Hyperhidrosis patients than in the control subjects. And Hyperhidrosis caused significant disruptions of social and professional life, leading to severe limitations of the person’s quality of life.” However, Botox has been used as a very successful treatment for Hyperhidrosis and could help patients overcome these limitations.

Considering Botox Injections for Hyperhidrosis

Botox has been approved by the FDA to treat excessive sweating in the axillae or armpits and hands, although many physicians use Botox to treat other areas such as the face and head. Several studies have proven that Botox can significantly reduce the side effects of Hyperhidrosis.

According to a 2018 article from the International Hyperhidrosis Society, “studies have shown that Botox can decrease excessive sweating in the underarms by 82-87%. Results take full effect 2 to 4 days after treatment and can last between 4 to 14 months. Meanwhile, Botox can reduce sweating in the palms by 80-90%.”

What is the Cost or

Price of Botox for Hyperhidrosis?

Average cost $1,100. However, Botox is approved by the FDA as a medical treatment for Hyperhidrosis, so your insurance should cover some of the costs. According to a 2018 article from the International Hyperhidrosis Society, there are several steps you can take if your insurance refuses to pay or reimburse you for Botox Hyperhidrosis treatments. Those steps include sending your insurance provider a letter of medical necessity or gaining pre-approval from your insurance.  

Ranch and Coast Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa understands the impact Hyperhidrosis has on a person’s life and aims to help them overcome these challenges. Our staff will gladly consult with you to determine if Botox injections are the right solution to your excessive sweating.

Additional Reading and References

American Academy of Dermatology: Hyperhidrosis

American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Botulinum Toxin

International Hyperhidrosis Society: Focused On Sweating? So Are We!

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