IPL is the phrase for the season. What does IPL mean? Intense pulsed light. It is almost identical to a laser in which intense light is focused on pigments in the skin, the difference being that intense pulsed light covers many wavelengths of light versus a laser which is just one wavelength of light. IPL targets specifically red and brown pigments in the skin that can give the skin an aged and rutty appearance. It is by far one of the best treatments that anyone can do further skin to make it look more even, and uniform, and improve its texture. It is relatively cheap in the armamentarium of plastic surgeons and dermatologists AND there is no downtime! The one limitation of IPL is that you do not want to have this treatment after being in the sun. This is why the late fall and winter is the best time to repair your skin. At Ranch and Coast plastic surgery we have one of the best IPL devices on the market (Sciton BBL) and experienced nurses that can perform your treatments. It takes 3-4 Treatments spaced 2-3 weeks apart to achieve the best results.