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Personal Info

Name: Paul Elliott Chasan, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Address: 1431 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, Ca 92014
Office Phone: (858) 450-1555
Office Fax: (858) 450-1527
Birth Date: March 21, 1961
Birthplace: Palos Verdes Est., California
Marital Status: Married
Children: Two, One Son and One Daughter


University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA B.A. 1983
Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE M.D. 1988 Magna Cum Laude


University of California, San Diego, Residency in General Surgery, 6/88-6/92
University of California, San Diego, Chief Resident in General Surgery, 5/92-6/93
University of Utah, Residency in Plastic Surgery, 7/93-6/95

Dr. Paul Chasan


State of California, G68600, 1988
State of Utah, 93-2628421205, 1993


American Board of Surgery, 2/94
American Board of Plastic Surgery, 11/97

Honors & Awards

ALASTIN Innovator Award, 2017
Cosmetic Show Award for Best Botched Revision, 2016
President of the San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, 2014
Alpha Omega Alpha-Creighton University, 1988
Magna Cum Laude-Creighton University, 1988
American Heart Association Research Fellowship ($2,500), 1987

Outstanding Teaching Award-Chief Resident UCSD, 1993
Technology Grants Council Award-University of Utah ($16,610), 1994
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery at UCSD, 1999
Fellow American College of Surgeons, 1999
Black Diamond Status – Allergan, 2012


Chasan, PE, Marin, Operative Times and Complications Can Be Misleading
Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2015, Vol 35(1) NP07-NP08

Chasan, PE, Francis, CS, Capsulorrhaphy for Revisionary Breast Surgery.
Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2008, 28 (1): 63-69.

Chasan, PE, Bilateral Mastectomy Reconstruction in the Previously Augmented Patient
Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2008, 28 (4): 472-473

Chasan, PE, The History of Injectable Silicone Fluids for Soft Tissue Augmentation.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2007 120 (7): 2034-2040.

Chasan, PE, Poor Practice-Oversized Implants, Long-term Outcome – and Who’s the Surgeon Here?
Cosmetic Surgery Times, 2007, 10 (6): 10.

Chasan, PE, Capsulorrhaphy Revisited: A Simple Technique For Complex Problems.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2005, 115 (1): 296-301

Chasan, PE, Rahban, SR, Presacral Donor Site for Lip Augmentation.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2000, 24: 31-33.

Chasan, PE, How I Modified the K-wire Fixation Technique for Endoscopic Brow Lift.
Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1999, 19 (5): 4 10-4 11.

Chasan, PE, Kupfer, DM, Direct K-Wire Fixation Technique During Endoscopic Brow Lift.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 1998, 22 (5): 338-340.

Chasan, PE, Saltz, R, Endoscopic Brow Lift for Visual Field Correction and Aesthetic Improvement in the Elderly Bald Male.
Aesthetic Surgery Quarterly, Fall 1996:202.

Casey, H, Chasan, PE, Chick, LR, Familial Polythelia-Without Associated Anomalies.
Annals of Plastic Surgery, 1996, 36 (1): 101/104.

Chasan, PE, Hansborough, JF, Cooper, ML, Management of the Cutaneous Manifestations of Extensive Purpura Fulminans in a Burn Unit.
Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, 1992, 12 (4): 410-4 13.

Sterpetti, AV, Hunter, WJ, Feldhaus, RJ, Chasan, PE, McNamara, M, Cisternino, S, Inflammatory Aneurysms of the Abdominal Aorta: Incidence, Pathologic and Etiologic Considerations.
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1989, 9 (5): 643-649.

Sterpetti, AV, Hunter, WJ, Schulta, RD, Sugimoto, J, Blair, E, Hacker, K, Chasan, PE, Valentinem, J, Seeding with Endothelial Cells Derived for the Microvessels of the Omentum and From the Jugular Vein: A Compared of Study.
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1988, 7 (5): 677-6 84.


K-Wire Fixation for Endoscopic Browlift
American Society of Plastic Surgeons; Snowbird, UT January 16, 2001
American Society of Plastic Surgeons; Snowbird, UT January 22-24, 2003
Translating Innovations in Plastic Surgery; Jackson Hole, WY September 2, 2012

Blepharoplasty Techniques
American Society of Plastic Surgeons; Snowbird, UT January 16, 2001
American Society of Plastic Surgeons; Snowbird, UT January 22-24, 2003

Silicone Oil for Lip Augmentation
CA Society for Plastic Surgeons; Rancho Mirage, CA May 23-27, 2002

Polyethylene Columellar Strut in Rhinoplasty
American Society of Plastic Surgeons; Snowbird, UT January 22-24, 2003

Silicone Oil for Lip Augmentation
American Society of Plastic Surgeons; Snowbird, UT January 22-24, 2003

Breast Revision Surgery
UCSD Clinical Teaching Conference; La Jolla, CA March 24, 2004
UCSD Aesthetic Teaching Conference; La Jolla, CA September 25, 2005
Allergan Academy Teaching Conference; Riverside, CA November 17, 2010
Allergan Academy Teaching Conference; Las Vegas, NV November 18, 2010
Allergan Academy Teaching Conference; Pasadena, CA December 2, 2010

A New Breast Shape Classification
Translating Innovations in Plastic Surgery; Jackson Hole, WY August 31, 2012

Reductive Augmentation
Translating Innovations in Plastic Surgery; Jackson Hole, WY August 31, 2012

Media Coverage

Under the Knife-The High-Price of Fame
E! Entertainment Television, December 2002

Plastic Surgery: Before and After; Plastic Fantastic
Discovery Channel; July 2003

24/7 with Dr. Chasan

Mommy Makeover
Good Morning America

A Look at Pectoral Implants
Discovery Channel

Extra! TV, January 2004

Mirror Mirror; Grandma Gets Her Groove Back
Extra! TV, May 2004

Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles
Bravo Tv, April 2012

Professional Societies

American Society of Plastic Surgeons

American College of Surgeons

California Society of Plastic Surgeons

San Diego Plastic Surgery Society

Professional Activities

Credentials Committee – Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla

Board Member – Angel Faces Non-Profit Charity

1 of 22 Selected Surgeons in the Nation – NOVO National Council of Leaders in Breast Aesthetics
December 10-12, 2009

President – San Diego Plastic Surgery Society
January 2014

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